Mr. Leonard Kameta, Zantel Senior Manager MFS, stressing on a point during the training.
Rifaro Africa Representative conducting sales training on the scheme and on Zantel products.
Would be Recruited Trainers sharing best practices during the seminar.
Rifaro Africa is an EzyPesa Super Dealer, who operates a multi-level marketing (Network Marketing) scheme, their main objective is customer acquisition and retention observing EzyPesa and GSM registration requirements.
Members Joining the Multi-Level Scheme pay a membership fee of Tshs76,500, which gives them an entry pack comprising of Zantel SIM card, Zantel Airtime of Tshs.10,000 and Scheme Instructions manual. The member earn commission by recruiting others in their hierarchy for up to 10 Generations; Recruitment and Usage commissions are paid by Rifaro Africa via Ezypesa.
Part of Zantel's Partnership with Rifaro Africa is in acquisition of quality customer and creating Zantel Ambassadors. In this light Rifaro has been conducting countrywide seminar's to ensure that we have skilled members; in Morogoro we have conducted a three day training of Trainers (ToT) at Morogoro Hotel.
The training of trainers (ToT) that was held from 26th to 29th January covered various Zantel Products and Services (EzyPesa, Voice, Data), Marketing and Sales Skills that were imparted to the trainers. The training is expected to enhance selling skills and hence create knowledgeable ambassadors that will in turn recruit more members.
A total number of 53 trainers from Mbeya, Arusha, Mwanza, Tanga, Zanzibar, Songea, Pwani, Njombe, Iringa, Geita, Dar es Salaam and Morogoro participated in the three days training.
Rifaro Africa has so far acquired 1600 members (new Zantel customers) since December 6th / 2014.
Toa Maoni Yako: