When you speak about Weruweru Girls School,you directly speak of Dr
Maria Kamm. She is the iconic woman who glorified that school and
groomed hundreds of today's strong women in Tanzania,in various
fields. The likes of Dr Asha Rose Migiro, Dr Mary Nagu, Ambassador
Zainab Maajar, Hellen Kijo-Bisimba and so many more! She is the reason why many of us had that golden chance to have our foundation made in concrete.
 Today from 10a.m at the Julius Nyerere Conference Hall, Dr. Kamm
gave a Public lecture on "The Power of Educating the Girl Child", a
gathering that was attended by hundreds of Weruweru Alumni and members of the public.
 One of Weruweru Alumni Foundation committee member, June... rocking a blazer made out of  the Weruweru GoldenJubilee khanga.
 Mama Kamm was estounded by the love in the conference hall.
 Seeing many of her students,all grown up now and holding high positions in the society.
 Among many of her points, Dr Kamm insisted that, no one will
change our education system in Tanzania BUT Tanzanians ourselves. She stressed the fact that, educating a girl and grooming her from her
tender age is equal to educating the other half of the population for
the development of the country.
 " Weruweru brought up competitive,innovative,respective and time
conscious ladies,and I am proud of all of you"she said.
 Let's just say,it was a very emotional get together for many Weruweru alumni

 "The role of a woman remains the same,no matter how educated she
is. But we need to have equal opportunities among us"..she added.
According to Dr Kamm, in 1954,only 9 girls graduated their Form Two
level,which was the highest level then...and She was among those.
However,there were discrimination on women in terms of salaries...and
even the girls' certificates were marked "Women education

 The moderator of the symposium was Dr Mwele Malecela,a Weruweru product and now Director General of NIMR.
 Ambassador Zainab Maajar who is the chairperson of the Weruweru
Alumni Foundation committee for the Golden Jubilee introduced some of
the influential Weruweru alumni who were present at the event.

 BOT was also present and they communicated to all guests on the Mwl Nyerere Foundation scholarship which sponsors girls studying Mathematics and Science. The scholarship involves payments of all costs, living expenses and a laptop,for undergraduate students...and a partial scholarship for Masters.
 We also sang the Weruweru school song!! Can you imagine,Dr Kamm
remembers every word of the song and she sang along,throughout!
 Until the ed of the symposium, it was clear that, Alumni of al schools in Tanzania have responsibilities to bring back and develop the quality of the education provided by their schools. Weruweru Alumni Foundation has been formed to do just that.
 The issue of Girls' pregancies while in school was also discussed. Mama Kamm advised for both parents and teachers to find means of helping these children finish their education,regardless.
 Teachers lacking the passion for their job was found as one of the problems in Tanzania's education. As one of the guests pointed out,many of our current teachers chose the field only because of the University Loans provided.
 And ...that marked another highlight on the Weruweru Golden Jubilee! For videos of the various occasion of this event, visit our Youtube page, Missie Popular.
 If you are on Twitter, search for #Weruweru50 to read all the points discussed in this symposium.

 Ooooppss...the Khangas, Mugs,T shirts of all Weruweru colors are
already on sale!
 Can you spot Mama Sambaya? :))...the mugs come in various
designs and colors...

Come for the Sunday meeting at Cine Club from 3p.m (Saa Tisa Alasiri)
and get your khanga, Tshirt and/or mugs....

See you all,on Sunday 15th,Septermber....Cine Club
Kajunason Blog

Kajunason Blog

A Tanzanian blog operating since October 2007, covering Local News, Politics, Fashion, Social Scenes, Interviews, Movies, Events, personalities and anything positive happening worldwide. Written in Swahili and English targeting both Swahili and English readers / viewers.

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