MC of the event Mrs. Janet Ekanye spouse to the Cameroon High Commissioner welcoming the invited guest.
Host of the event Deputy High Commissioner of South Africa Ms Bongiwe Qwabe welcoming guest to the South Africa House
Mrs Janet Ekanye introducing Mrs Joyce Kallaghe the spouse of Tanzanian High Commissioner to the UK & the President of The Associatin of Spouses of African High Commissioners and Ambassadors (ASAHCA)
 Mrs Joyce Kallaghe spouse to the Tanzania High Commissoner UK and President of The Associatin of Spouses of African High Commissioners and Ambassadors (ASAHCA) giving her opening remarks.

21st September, 2012 ASAHCA organised Gala Dinner Fund Raising to raise funds for Commonwealth Countries League Education Fund (CCLEF). CCLEF sponsors bright needy girls all over Commonwealth Countries to give them equal opportunities for secondary or high school education in their own countries. Their progress is closely monitored and their success stories are heartwarming. (Refer Ladi Dariya). Over 3000 girls from challenging backgrounds have been supported in this way.

Mrs. Joyce D. Kallaghe, (ASAHCA President) felt privilege to support this endeavour to give women their rightful place in society. She is looking forward to continue supporting CCLEF in helping to uphold women’s dignity as equal partners in society.

High Commissioners & Ambassadors of African countries were there too.

Invited guests listening to the ongoing speeches.
Guest speaker of the night Agnes  Atim Apea speaking to the guest on her life experiences which was very very emotional and encouraged people to donate and help girls get education.

Born in a small country town north of Uganda, Agnes Atim Apea grew up in great poverty along with her seven sisters and grandmother in a society where the more girls you have the richer you are from the dowry. As the years passed, Agnes’s life became increasingly turbulent - experiencing the entrapment of discrimination, poverty, nearly dying from rebel and cattle rustling activities and fighting a deadly HIV disease, but it was from these very struggles that she grew a heart to challenge stereo-types and give hope to the poor and oppressed children in war situations. Agnes is currently a consultant and a PHD student at the University of Reading.

In 2009, Agnes founded Hope Development Initiative, a charity whose mission is to show love, bring aid and give hope to the underprivileged children in conflict areas. Today, children in conflict areas are having hope again to inspire a great movement of hope and love in action.
Mrs. Ladi Dariya (B.Sc, M.Sc, ACMI) Benefited from this gracious gift, she said it without fear of contradiction that the gift of education is an unbelievable gift and one of the best gifts you could ever be offered! She is a living testimony!One of the ladies who is where she is because of the The Commonwealth Countries League Education Fund giving a speech. She explained how it all began and encouraged guest to donate and help a girl get education.

Invited Guest
H.E. Dr Carl Roberts High Commissioner for Antigua and Barbuda with his family
HE High Commissioner for Rwanda Mr Ernest Rwamucyo (right) was there too
 Fashion Designer Anna Lukindo, Irene Joel wife to Tanzania's Deputy High Commissioner & friend at the event
Left is Swaziland High Commissioner to the UK with another guest
 Beautiful ladies
Uganda's High Commissioner to the UK H.E. Joan Rwabyomere chats with H.E. Cameroon High Commissioner to the UK Mr Ekanye

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Kajunason Blog

Kajunason Blog

A Tanzanian blog operating since October 2007, covering Local News, Politics, Fashion, Social Scenes, Interviews, Movies, Events, personalities and anything positive happening worldwide. Written in Swahili and English targeting both Swahili and English readers / viewers.

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