Every year, over 8700 women die in Tanzania due tocomplications in pregnancy, childbirth and post-delivery. This number is equivalent to 24 deaths every day and one woman every hour.

These deaths could have been avoided if pregnant women had access to Comprehensive Emegency Obstetric and Newborn Care (CEmONC) facility where, among other things, operations, caesarean sections and safe blood transfusions can be performed.

Remembering president JakayaMrisho’s speech last year before the U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who heads Bloomberg Philanthropies, he pleadged for the government’s commitment in cutting maternal mortality rates in Tanzania.

“It is not fair for a woman to die because of giving birth or giving life to another human being. It’s not acceptable. Sadly, women and children die of causes that can be prevented," he said.

The government had also pleadged to increase CEmONC to reach 50% ahead of the Millenium Challenge Development Goal’s deadline coming 2015.

Join us in urging the government to set aside budget in the 2014/2015 financial year for CEmONC.
Kajunason Blog

Kajunason Blog

A Tanzanian blog operating since October 2007, covering Local News, Politics, Fashion, Social Scenes, Interviews, Movies, Events, personalities and anything positive happening worldwide. Written in Swahili and English targeting both Swahili and English readers / viewers.

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