Social networks are becoming popular gateways for customers seeking help or updates in crisis situations. And socially devoted brands are tapping into them.

These social networks such as Facebook provide a better alternative to busy call centers and may inadvertently, through one post, respond to multiple customers sharing the same problem.

According to SocialBakers‘ Socially Devoted study for October to December 2012, brands on Facebook are responding faster to questions from their fans. What previously took brands an average of 21 hours to respond to fans toward the end of June, decreased to 19.5 hours during Q3 of 2012.

The latest report released today reveals that brands on Facebook have shortened their average response times to 13.7 hours. But which brands respond faster?

This table below ranks Egyptian telecom giant, Mobinil 3rd amongst the top 10 fastest responding socially devoted brands on Facebook with a response rate of 96.24% and response time of 18 minutes. Quite impressive!

Also, you would notice that Tanzania’s leading telecom operator, Tigo is ranked 8th with an 87.30% response rate and 28 minutes response time.
Kajunason Blog

Kajunason Blog

A Tanzanian blog operating since October 2007, covering Local News, Politics, Fashion, Social Scenes, Interviews, Movies, Events, personalities and anything positive happening worldwide. Written in Swahili and English targeting both Swahili and English readers / viewers.

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