Save the Date
International Center
for Journalists
Awards Dinner
November 13, 2012   6-9:30 p.m.
Save the Date
Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center
1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NW,  Washington, DC 20004
Cocktail reception to precede dinner and awards ceremony.
Chairman's Circle Sponsor
The ICFJ Awards Dinner honors journalists and media innovators whose passion and work have had tremendous impact on people's lives.
For more information, please contact Lanaea Featherstone at (202) 349-7635, or visit
Kajunason Blog

Kajunason Blog

A Tanzanian blog operating since October 2007, covering Local News, Politics, Fashion, Social Scenes, Interviews, Movies, Events, personalities and anything positive happening worldwide. Written in Swahili and English targeting both Swahili and English readers / viewers.

Toa Maoni Yako: