JG: Hi Kokuhilwa Rosemary, Thank you for your time, straight away, let’s begin. Tell us about yourself, your history, family, education etc.

My name is Rosemary Kokuhilwa. I was born in Bukoba but grew up in Dar -es-salaam Tanzania. Right after high school I became a model and was managed by Faces International which was the first modelling agency in Tanzania back in the days. I am the eldest in my family, I have five siblings. I am currently in the States where I work and attend school at FIT (Fashion Institute Technology).
JG: Where did the name Fashionjunkii Stem from?

The name came about after playing around with diffferent names that fitted me as a fashion enthusiast. Then my sister and her boyfriend came up with Fashionjunkii because they thought I needed help because of my shopping habit. It was actually supposed to be fashionjunkie as in a "junkie" for fashion but instead I threw in "Junkii " thinking it would have a bit of swahili flavor.
JG: Where are you based NOW?

I am now based in New Yor

To read the full interview click on the link below:
Kajunason Blog

Kajunason Blog

A Tanzanian blog operating since October 2007, covering Local News, Politics, Fashion, Social Scenes, Interviews, Movies, Events, personalities and anything positive happening worldwide. Written in Swahili and English targeting both Swahili and English readers / viewers.

Toa Maoni Yako: