The Ambassador also noted that the recent visits by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, United States Trade Representative Ambassador Ron Kirk, Peace Corps Director Aaron Williams, Millennium Challenge Corporation CEO Daniel Yohannes, PEPFAR Administrator Ambassador Eric Goosby, and U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Africa Johnnie Carson, himself a former Peace Corps volunteer in Tanzania, are examples of the United State's commitment to strengthen our partnership with Tanzania: "I want to emphasize that there is a reason why distinguished U.S. government leaders are lining up to come to Tanzania. It is because our two governments and our two peoples, Tanzanians and Americans working together, are doing the right things, and getting noticed at very high levels."
Underscoring America's commitment for expanding our partnership, the Ambassador announced Tanzania has been selected by the Obama administration as one of only four countries in the world to receive focused, high-level, strategic engagement to address binding constraints and unleash the country's full economic potential in a Partnership for Growth, adding: "the American people will be there supporting the Tanzanian people in ways large and small, with a firm hand on our golden past and a hopeful eye on the future."
The Government of Tanzania was represented at the Fourth of July celebration by the Honorable Samia Suluhu Hassan, Minister of State at the Vice President's Office of Union Affairs, who underscored in her speech the long-term ties of friendship and cooperation between both nations.
Toa Maoni Yako: